Printed handbill promoting a mass demonstration of the unemployed



Admin History:

Unemployment in Hull between the wars was generally higher than the national average, with a figure of 11.8% in 1923 rising to 14.1% in 1929. Dockers and shipyard workers were especially vulnerable, after the closure of the Earle's shipyard in 1932 nearly 40% of Hull's shipbuilding workers were unemployed. The city saw a number of strikes in the period between the wars including trawler engineers (in 1919) and the dockers and transport workers (in 1924). It is estimated that over 25,000 workers took to the streets during the General Strike in 1926.

The Hull Daily Mail the following day reported 'a large attendance' at the meeting which approved the creation of a Joint Committee of unemployed with the Hull Trades Council to explore all opportunities for finding work. The meeting also called for a maintenance 'for those whom work cannot be found', pensions for those over 60, raising the school leaving age from 15 to 16 years and for the Government to ratify the Washington 48 hour [working] week convention.

Printed handbill promoting a mass demonstration of the unemployed