Hull Association of Women Graduates



Admin History:

Founded in 1907 and incorporated on 16 August 1933, it was known nationally up to 1990 as the British Federation of University Women (BFUW) and was renamed, British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) to include Open University graduates. The aim of the association was and still is to promote women's opportunities in education and public life, the discussion and action of which was an 'essential part of being a member of the BFUW which was not a social club' (see DX314/3/3 - Minute book). It also aimed to help remove disabilities of women that may affect them socially, economically and legally. It is affiliated to an international organisation called the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) to improve the lives of women and girls. The association is a company limited by guarantee, and today is also an educational scholarship registered charity.

The local association in Hull was made up of local meetings on a monthly basis and was attended by women graduates living in Hull, but were not necessarily former Hull students. There were also women attending who did not have degrees but were seen as friends and gave a donation instead of a subscription. The structure of the organisation is made up of local, regional, national and even international meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGM), as well as executive meetings. In the Hull Association, there was an International meeting held where international students (usually postgraduate) were invited to meetings and to talk about their home countries and own personal studies. There was also an annual luncheon and summer outing to local areas of interest.

The association was also linked with many other groups such as Age Concern and the Standing Conference of Women's Organizations to name but two. The association also donated to charities and to bursaries to further study of its members. The Hull Association of Women Graduates was formally disbanded at the close of the National Conference/AGM weekend in July 1997.

In the collection, there is the subscription book, and account book, as well as a cashbook, a copy of the Articles of Association, the Constitution of Local Associations and the Bye-laws of the association and a collection of minute books.