File. Material for President

Reference No:
U DX337/1/19
Includes a published copy of a speech by President Soekarno entitled 'Indonesia's Aims and Ideals'; draft papers entitled 'Answers from President Sukarno to Questions Submitted by Representative of Bulgarian News Agency' (6 Mar 1960), 'Draft Open Letter from President Sukarno to Pandit Nehru as Foreword to new Biography of Nehru', 'Some Notes for President Sukarno on Inauguration of Publicity Dept', 'Replies to Questions Submitted to President by Manila Chronicle' and 'Draft Reply by President Sukarno to Question by 'Pravda'' (14 Jan 1960); draft typescript speeches entitled 'Draft Speech by President Sukarno at New Year Reception' (1 Jan 1960), 'Draft Speech by President Sukarno at State Banquet for Colombo Plan Delegates' (11 Nov 1959), 'President Soekarno's Speech at State Banquet' (11 Nov 1959), 'Speech by President Sukarno Before Colombo Plan Conference', and 'Draft message from President Sukarno to Dedication of 'Republic of Indonesia School' (17 Aug 1959), and a published copy of a speech by President Sukarno before Colombo Plan Conference (1959).
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Papers of Tom Wilfred Atkinson