Notes compiled by John Hamerton to support his claim to the manor of Hunmanby

Reference No:
U DX49/1
late 16th cent.

Manuscript notes written in Latin and English relating to the descent of the manor through the Rossall and Hamerton families, the tenure of the land as well as to courts, deeds and other documents ranging from c.1300 to the mid-16th century

Includes numbered items:

3. Gift: John de la Stane to Thomas son of Unnanus de Roshall, in marriage with his sister Constance: 'all land in Hundemanbye which John's brother Peter had at his death'. If such lands are not of £15 annual value, John will make them up to that amount from his lands elsewhere. Witnesses William de Ferrers, John son of Alan; William the steward (pantler), Norman the steward of Unnanus of Roshall, Robert de Stane, Robert de Birros, Roger de Sibeston, Alan the steward, Roger Angl'. (Pre 1290)

4. As 3

5. Quitclaim: Gilbert de Gaunte to Sir Thomas de Rossall: 'all claims Gilbert might have against him by the suit of Peter de Stanes, brought in Gilbert's court of Hundenanby, in respect of a tenement held by Thomas of the heirs of Peter. Reserving the action brought by Gilbert against the heirs of Peter in the King's court. Granting also to Thomas all his commons, rights of way and other easements in moor and in field, beyond Gilbert's pond at Burlyng and his closes in the moor of Hundenanbi'. Witnesses Sir William de Buketon, Sir Ralph de Hale, Walter de Lowthorpe, Arnold Bucketon, John de Marton. Given at Hundenanbi, Vig. St. Botulph, 21 Ed.I (16 June 1293)

5v. Quitclaim: John Roshall to Andrew de Corbriges, living in Hundinanbi and his wife Lacy and heirs of their bodies: 'messuage and ½ ac. on le Crofte lands, between land of Richard Barker and land of Simon Smith, which they had of the gift of his father Sir Thomas de Rossall'. Rendering 5s. silver yearly, and attending at the first court for Hundenanbi held after Michaelmas each year. Given at Hundinanbi, Fri. In St Margaret virgin 1341 (20 July 1341)

19. Letter of Attorney: William Haryngton, sheriff of Yorkshire, to Thomas Tebald, William Wirner and John Bewepe: 'to execute writ to deliver seisin, further to a Final Concord between Ralph Lobenham, Thomas Hunte and John Kenys plaintiffs and John Mortemer esquire and wife Alianora deforceants, of a moiety of the manor of Hundmanby, to J. And A.M. and heirs of their bodies'. Sab. after conception B.V.M., 1 Hen. V. (9 Dec 1413)

20. Quitclaim: John Bewpe of co. Herts to Robert Englefeild of co. Berks: 'manor of Humanbie, which he and Guy Farefax esquire had of the gift of Alianora Mortimore'. Witnesses Sir Robert Waterton, John Constable, Ralph Babthorpe, John Etton, William Etton esquires (16 Mar 1432/3)

21. Quitclaim: Guy Fairfax of co. York esquire to Robert Englefeild of the King's household esquire: 'manor of Homnanby which he and John Boaupe of co. Herts had of the gift of Alianora Mortemer now of Watershipes, co. Herts'. Witnesses Sir William Beauchamp, Sir Robert Waterton, Ralph Babthorp, William Elton, Robert Mansfeld esquires (28 Jul 1433)

22. Quitclaim: Robert Englefeld of co. Berks esquire to Ralph, Baron of Graystoke, Robert Croklyn chaplain and Thomas Nelson merchant both of York: 'manor of Honmanbi, which T.N. lately had of his gift'. Sealed with the seal of office of the mayor of the county of York, by Thomas Barton, mayor of the said city, at the request of R.E., whose own seal is unknown to many (14 Aug 450)

23. Gift: Thomas Neleson to Ralph, Baron of Graystok and Robert Crokelyn (all as 22): 'manor of Honmanby'. Witnesses Robert Barde, William Paulyn, Stephen Story (12 Aug 1450)

24. Quitclaim: Ralph, Baron of Graystoke to Robert Crokelyn (as 22): 'manor of Humnanbi'. Witnesses John Welles, Thomas Pole, John Haliday. Given at Hylderskelf (14 Dec 1450)

25. Gift: Robert Crokelyn (As22) to Sir Richard Hamerton, William Midleton, John Medleton his son, John Pudsey, William Ribleston and James Hamerton esquires: 'manor of Hundmanbi '. Witnesses Sir Ralph Bygod, Robert Englefeld, Alverey Mantenere, Robert Gare, William Ramage chaplain, Stephen Storye, William Broke, John Thakwray, Robert Hirdgref. Given at Hundinanbi (15 Jan 1450/1)

27.(a) Grant: Sir Thomas de Rosshal to Stephen Smith and his wife Ellen for their lives: '1 bovate next the land of the abbot of Bardenai (Bardney, co. Lincoln); ½ ac. (wethersckore?); ½ ac. on Hedland; and a place of meadow called le Pychill'. Rendering 8s. yearly. With reversion to their son Henry for life, rendering *s. yearly. Doing suit of court at the first courts after Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter. (1335-6)

(b) Demise for 6 years: Thomas (de) Rosshall, lord of the manor to Stephen Lawys of Hund': 'his hall (with 3 chambers and a kitchen?) and 'the foregrye' in Hund(manby)'. T. To have the use of the premises on 3 days' notice. None to have ingress or egress in the chamber next the door during the court of the lord (1304)

28.(a) Quitclaim: Thomas de Rosshal to Stephen de Lawis and his wife Isabel: 'all services and demands except suit of court at first courts after Michaelmas and Easter'. Made at Homanby, Sun. After SS. Peter and Paul, 2 Ed. 11 (6 Jul 1309)

(b) Gift: Thomas, son of Sir Thomas Rosshall to William, son of Simon Smith of Hundmanby: 'toft and croft and 1 bovate in Hundmanby, which Richard Hert' sometime held of Thomas in bondage'. (n.d.)

(c) Agreement between John son and heir of Sir Thomas de Rosshall and Richard de Redisdalle attorney of Elizabeth widow of Sir T., empowered to act for her in all matters affecting her dower in Hundmaby. Reference to a toft and bovate which Robert Hest held in bondage. Incomplete. (n.d.)

29.(a) Gift: Walter son and heir of Sir John Rosshall to William Gomidri of Hundmanby and his wife Joan: (no details). Doing suit of court twice yearly. 48 Ed. III (1374-5)

(b) Gift: Thomas son of Sir Thomas de Rosshall to Stephen Smith of Hundmanby and wife Isabel: (no details). 4 Ed. II (1310-11)

39. Quitclaim: Robert de Tatesall, lord of Tatesall to Sir Thomas de Rossall: 'all claims Robert might have against him (a) by the suit of Peter de Stanes, brought in Robert's court of Hundenanbie, in respect of a tenement held by Thomas of the heirs of Peter; and (b) in respect of T.'s brewers, living in the manor of Hundenanbie. Granting also to Thomas commons and easements as in 5 above'. Witnesses Sir William Bereford, Sir Henry Spigarnell, Sir John de Heselarton, Sir Robert de Bonington, Ranolde de Bukton, Robert de Warne, Gilbert de Tondebye. Given 'in parlamento domini regis' at Lincoln, Fri. after Purif. B.V.M., 29 Ed. I (3 Feb 1300/1)

39v. Demise for 9 years at £14 rent: Katherine Hamerton, widow of James Hamerton, and their son and heir John Hamerton to Richard Bunnye: 'tenement called le Monkerode with all its appurtenances in Pontifrato (Pontefract), Preston, Jakelyn, Fetherston and Akton'. (1 Nov 1483)

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Papers compiled by John Hamerton