The University of Hull Gazette

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There are three issues of the University of Hull Gazette per academic year, one for each term/semester.

The issues for Autumn generally include the previous term's congregations dates, the names of those getting a degree and the key speeches made at the ceremony; titles of theses; obituaries; a summary of Council and Senate proceedings such as grants awarded and appointments made; staff appointments, resignations and promotions; details of University church services; public lectures; faculty officers; University prizes; a list of the Officers of the local Association of University Teachers and other personalia. From Vol. 7 (1964-1965), the Autumn issue has also contained diary dates giving the times of various committee meetings; a list of University publications and a summary of the recent achievements and news from individual departments (departmental notes).

Spring issues generally include diary dates; list of honours; summaries of the proceedings of University Court, Council and Senate; departmental notes; personalia; news on University buildings and building projects; details of University church services; public lectures; honorary degrees; staff appointments, retirements, resignations and promotions; the Vice-Chancellor's address to court and a list of University publications.

The issues of the Summer term generally include diary dates; obituaries; summaries of University Court, Council and Senate proceedings; departmental notes; personalia; news on University buildings and building projects; staff appointments, retirements, resignations and promotions; public lectures and a list of university publications.

In some volumes, there is coverage of major events in the University such as in Vol. 13 No.2 which includes the speeches at the opening of the Brynmor Jones Library extension (Spring 1971). Some of the notices of retirements and appointments also include short biographical details.

3 volumes & 59 items
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Hull University Archives
University Official Reports and Publications