Items relating to the Pelican Welfare Association and Wilmington Trust



Admin History:

The Pelican Welfare Association:

The Pelican Welfare Association was established on 10th April 1922 by G. and T. Earle Ltd., cement manufacturers. It was run by or for the interests of its staff, which by June 1922 had over 600 members or 96 per cent of the workforce. The Pelican Welfare Association was an amalgamation of all sections of welfarat Earles'. The Association held annual sports events at a new recreation field at the end of Summergang's Road, which is now named Pelican Park, named after the welfare association it represented. Activities included a cricket club, tennis club, ladies swimming club, angling club and football club, but also included other activities for the employees.

The Wilmington Trust:

The Wilmington Trust Charity was originally approved in 1937 as the Wilmington Seaside Holiday Fund with monies provided by the Sponsor, Sir George Earle, the then Chairman of G&T Earle Ltd, cement manufacturers in Dalton Street, Wilmington, Hull. The original intention was to provide holidays at the seaside for those who otherwise would be unable to do so from the immediate area. The Trust Deed was revised in 1973 and again in 2010. Since 1973 whilst the provision remains to assist in payment for holidays the trustees have a wide remit to make general ‘relief of need’ grants, and the area of benefit is now the whole of the City of Hull east of the river. Originally the trustees were the Vicar of St Saviour’s Wilmington and the company’s Welfare Officer. Since the demise of the company, and indeed St Saviour’s, the trusteeships were transferred to local Parish Churches and currently the parishes of Sutton, Wawne and Drypool appoint the trustees. The investments are managed by the York Diocesan Board of Finance. Information on the Wilmington Trust supplied by Richard Liversedge (trustee representing the Parish of Drypool).

Minutes books, presscuttings and photographs