Records Relating to William Warden, brewer and water enginer


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The entry for William Warden's apprenticeship to William Merrikin can be located in the Register of Persons Bound as Apprentices for Hull at reference C BRG/12/1245. Warden also took on his own apprentice, James Carter, and these details can be found at C BRG/12/1701. At C DMX/207 are printed papers relating to Warden and the issue of water supply in Hull. Within the council's own records can be found items relating to William Warden. These include the minutes of the Waterworks Committee, and the specific committees established to review the issues regarding the dispute. These are available to view in the searchroom, with some additional committee papers at C TCWT. References to the work undertaken by Warden can also be found in books such as 'River and Spring' by Mary Fowler, 'Water Department' by the Kingston upon Hull Corporation and 'History of Springhead Waterworks' by J.W. Mayfield, all at L.628.1.