Kingston upon Hull Musical Festival Society Records



Admin History:

The first Hull and District Music Festival was held in 1906, and was due to the efforts of the Rev. T.F. Jones of Burstwick. He felt such an event would benefit the area, which resulted in the formation of a society to organise such a competition. The new society held its 1st event at various locations around the city including the Royal Institution, on Albion Street, Hull City Hall and the Church Institute also on Albion Street. Over the years it would be held at other venues such as Queen’s Hall, Waltham Street Wesleyan School Room, the Presbyterian Hall on Baker Street, Farmery Hall at Bevin House, Hessle High School, Hull Grammar School, Beverley Longcroft School and the Freedom Centre on Hull’s Preston Road

Through the years, the festival itself has comprised of events such as stage dancing, solo vocal and choral competitions, piano, folk and Morris dancing, instrumental classes, verse and drama, school dancing and competitions for school choirs. The festival would run for up to 4 weeks in its heyday, but by late 1990s, it had been reduced to only a few days. 2006 saw a revival for its 100th anniversary, with the support of the city council’s Hull Music Service.

Minutes, constitution, correspondence, accounts and financial statements, competitors records and programmes