Kingston upon Hull Musical Festival Society Records


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The History centre has the records of various organisations, such as the Hull Philharmonic Society (C DSPH), the Hull Junior Philharmonic Orchestra (C DSPJ), the Hull Folk Community (C DSHF), West Hull Ladies' Musical Union (C DSWH) and Hull Grammar School (C DEHG) who have all been involved with the Hull Music festival at various times. Please see our catalogue for more details. In addition, the centre has records relating to various individuals involved with the festival. For example, records relating to one of the society’s stalwarts, Madame Sharrah of the Hull School of Music can be located at C DMM/13 along with a scrapbook at C DEX/30, whilst there is a competition certificate within the records of Norman Radley of Hull (C DINR).

The Hull Daily Mail (HDM) and the other local newspapers have featured the festival since its inception, as C DSMF/4/1 illustrates, and these reports can be found by consulting the newspapers which are available on microfilm at the History Centre. For example, for the new look festival in 1978, held between 15 March and 18 May, the HDM featured the winners of the various sections. Results of the 95th festival in 2001 were accorded almost a whole page (21 April 2001), whilst there were many articles promoting the 100th edition of the festival in 2006. Other features focus on performers at the festivals, such as Jennifer Heelas who became chairwoman in 2003, after first performing in the festival in 1946 (24 March 2003) and Serena Myers who took part in the 100th festival in 2006, after first performing at only aged 6. (7 Mar 2006). The HDM 'Flashback Daily' also featured the festival in April 28, 2015 on page 30.