Records of the Hull Corporation Humber Conservancy Committees



Admin History:

Hull Town Council was allowed a commissioner on the Board of the Humber Conservancy, and as a result in September 1877 it established a committee to carry out the relevant duties and to report their proceedings back from time to time. It would be made up of 4 members, the 3 elected commissioners and the Mayor as ex-offico.

In 1883 the Conservancy (Special) Committee was established. It was to inquire and report as early as possible upon the present position of the Humber Conservancy Board, its duties and how such duties had been and were being discharged. It would report on its pecuniary position as well, with a view to future legislation if deemed advisable.

After the special committee reported back, the existing Humber Conservancy Committee was give a more formal brief, in that it was to consider and confer on all matters relating to the Conservancy of the River Humber. It was to report to the full council at least once a year on the transactions of the commissioners. The committee was finally terminated in November 1899, although the council continued to appoint a commissioner until the powers of the Conservancy were passed to British Transport Docks Board in 1968.

Committee records including minutes, reports and a plan. Former reference numbers TL/2, 446, 686, 934, 1208, 2300 and 2507.