Transcriptions and translations of the Hull Rental of 1347

Late 19th cent.- Mid 20th cent.


Admin History:
The 1347 Rental of Hull, drawn up by William de la Pole and the town's leading citizens, is significant as it gives an accurate picture of Hull at that specific time. It was maintained within Hull's Bench Books, the records of the burgesses of the town. Two of the transcriptions are by Arthur Bromley Wilson-Barkworth and Leonard B. Stanewell. Wilson-Barkworth (1854-1929) was a noted Hull and East Riding antiquarian, whilst Stanewell (1884-1951), was the Records Clerk for Hull, and published a calendar of documents in the Hull Record Office.
Manuscript and typed transcriptions and translations from the Hull Bench Book. Previous library reference L.9.7037.