Letter. Bill Ruddick to Monica Jones

Reference No:
U DMA/1/4/35
16 Nov 1964
Reference to work load, news of writer's colleagues, saw Rookery Nook 'pleasant but curiously un-gripping', description of The Opera House [in Manchester?], press cutting about Leeds students opposing the installation of a contraceptive vending machine (press cutting present), press cutting about a book 'Objections to Roman Catholicism' (press cutting present), intention to visit Leicester, Roman Catholic church news, family news, news from Manchester University, visit to an elderly acquaintance in hospital and thoughts on the mental and physical vulnerability of elderly people, best wishes to various shared acquaintences and Philip [Larkin]. Envelope present, postmark Manchester, sent to Jones at Leicester. Manuscript. Enclosed is a small press cutting reading 'The Pope goes to Mass for dead cardinals'.
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Records of Monica Jones (born Margaret Monica Beal Jones)