Hull Theatre programmes


Related Material

Related Material:

U DTP, Theatre Playbills Collection (1760s-1970s). Over 6000 playbills, which are mostly available to view (on microfilm only) in the library area. They are arranged by theatre, but they can also be searched by individual title on the Hull University Library catalogue. As well as theatres in Hull, this collection includes some Yorkshire and United Kingdom theatres, and Chowringee and Rourkee in India.

Local Studies Playbills

Some of this material overlaps with Theatre Playbills in the University collections. As well as theatres, this collection has playbills for music halls, and the Mechanics Institute, as well as lots of small theatres, both in Hull and some for the East Riding. They are indexed by theatre name with a chronological title list. There is also an index by date of performance, as well as a file of playbills listed by place. Ask the staff at the Enquiry Desk for details.

Publication Notes:
P Santangals, Historical souvenir booklet: common 21 years of management with the Little and New Theatres in Hull